A groundbreaking new micellar formulation is set to transform dental infection control, offering unparalleled effectiveness in eliminating biofilms from dental waterlines and equipment. This innovative technology, developed through extensive research by a private research institute and the Medical University of Vienna, enhances the antibacterial efficacy of hydrogen peroxide (H?O?) by encapsulating it in plant-derived micelles, providing a superior solution for dental professionals worldwide. [more]
Mon, 2025-02-10 - 14:00
A groundbreaking new micellar formulation is set to transform dental infection control, offering unparalleled effectiveness in eliminating biofilms from dental waterlines and equipment. This innovative technology, developed through extensive research by a private research institute and the Medical University of Vienna, enhances the antibacterial efficacy of hydrogen peroxide (H?O?) by encapsulating it in plant-derived micelles, providing a superior solution for dental professionals worldwide.
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