Leipzig Tourist Service e.V.
Leipzig Tourist Service e.V.
Andreas Schmidt
Phone: 0341-7104-310
E-Mail: presse@LTS-Leipzig.de

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Leipzig Tourism: Leipzig is art
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Museum of Fine Arts
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title: Museum of Fine Arts
image text: Museum of Fine Arts - guided tour with Leipzig Erleben GmbH.
copyright: LTS-Schmidt
Bach statue
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title: Bach statue
image text: Bach statue in front of St. Thomas Church.
copyright: LTS-Schmidt
Volker Bremer
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title: Volker Bremer
image text: General Manager Volker Bremer in front of Leipzig Information.
copyright: LTS-Schmidt
Shopping facilities
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title: Shopping facilities
image text: Shopping facilities in the "Mädler Passage".
copyright: LTS-Schmidt
At the
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title: At the "Round Corner"
image text: Museum at the "Round Corner".
copyright: LTS-Schmidt