Ada Grünert
Phone: +49-(0)531-21058-32
Pressbox |
Braunschweig (pts003/18.06.2004/09:00) - tecxus, the modern Asian battery and rechargeable battery brand, stands for high capacities and reliability, and it positively stands out against its competitors - both visually and in price. The European distribution centre with its headquarters in Germany has been established recently. Now, the company is looking for distributors in all European countries, who have the required competence in their markets.
The rechargeable battery market is growing continuously, and with it the range of available brands. However, only a few products stand out against their competitors - and if so, mainly because of their price. From tecxus' point of view this is a weak argument. The tecxus brand promises easier customer orientation, a first-rate price/performance ratio as well as highly attractive profit margins for traders, in addition to a number of unusual additional benefits. Apart from batteries and rechargeable batteries, the product line also comprises such accessories as charging sets, and - very soon - torches, in particular in the high-quality sector.
Now that tecxus has successfully been introduced to the German market by a distributor, the company is looking for established distributors for batteries, rechargeable batteries and accessories in all European countries. Instead of supplying the goods from Asia, delivery will be effected within a very short time ex stock via the logistics centre in Germany.
For further information please contact:
tecxus Europe GmbH
Executive Sales Manager Rainer Kothe
Pillmannstraße 12
D-38112 Braunschweig
Phone: +49-(0)531-12172-0
wentronic, the tecxus distributor in Germany
The wentronic Electronic Components Handels GmbH was established by Dietmar Wendt in Braunschweig in 1992. Right from the start the company has focused on the distribution of electronic components and electronic accessories for the special trade. In 1995, batteries were added to the product line. Today, they are one of the most important product families. In view of the rapid growth of the market, the company started to include mobile radio components in its distribution operations in 1998. At present, wentronic employs a work force of more than 50 persons.
Contacts for the press:
Zingler Text & PR
Martina Zingler
Phone: +49-(0)5341-393356
wentronic Electronic Components GmbH
Ada Grünert
Phone: +49-(0)531-21058-32