Adam Goldberg
Phone: +49-1578-4248341
- Award
- Goldberg
- Prize
- Art
- Culture
Pressbox | ![]() |
Berlin (pts012/11.08.2009/10:35) - Goldberg Kunsthandel GmbH is this year, for the very first time, awarding the "Art interdinsziplinär" Prize for Art (Art across the Disciplines), which is endowed with prize money of 50,000 Euro, and which is being bestowed upon the Berlin artist Roland Orlando Moed.
Over a period of many years, Adam Goldberg has been an active promoter of the arts and of culture and has created the new prize with the intention of using this newly created award to encourage and promote art which is active and creative outside of the mainstream. At the same time the prize will be awarded within the context of a private view which will be the first in a series of events under the title "Art across the Disciplines".
The intention is to use the works of the prize-winners to build up, over the course of time, a collection of art which will be integrated into the "Art across the Disciplines" exhibition which will take place on an annual basis.
The Jury's decision to present the award to Roland Orlando Moed was based upon the fact that he has so intensively dedicated himself to art across the disciplines over a period of many years.
"Roland Orlando Moed was born in 1961 in Frankfurt am Main but nowadays lives, and works, as a free-acting artist, in Berlin. Roland Orlando Moed has up to the present day already accumulated a comprehensive and highly exciting oeuvre, one which exudes a high degree of inter-disciplinary up-to-dateness. Amongst the most remarkable tranches of his work must be included a reflexive confrontation with painting against the background of media discourse such as it was initiated in the 60's as well as a large number of conceptual works which repeatedly tackle the issue of the sounding out of the relationships between reality and space and their significance for the subject in the eye of the observer. The, in part, unpretentious tackling of fields of action which are up-to-date and are constantly anchored in a social context had already at the time of their creation attracted attention to these works by Moed, and indeed also applause, all of which, in retrospect, makes his work take up a much more important position on the European art stage: What we encounter here is not a spectacular, but a precise punctuation with a point of departure rooted in a serious-minded sense of confrontation which is of an explosiveness far and away the equal of many international examples in the development of art.
Currently the artist is busily engaged in the ongoing development of the installation and the creation of new projection spaces which will pick up the thread of, and interlink, in a different manner, with the earlier reflexive installations. Roland Orlando Moed has himself devoted his entire powers of concentration upon the fullest formulation of his most significant results and places absolutely no store whatsoever on any "marketing" and/or strong foothold in the consciousness of public art. Hence the jury decided as a majority that their choice must reflect and do justice to a mindset which does not reside in the limelight of museums and galleries but which merits a correct position in terms of overall judgment of artistic qualities."
Roland Orlando Moed studied painting under Michael Schlösser in Darmstadt. His works will be shown in May 2010 in Galerie "M" in Berlin.
For more detailed information and picture material please contact
Adam Goldberg, 12165 Berlin, +49-1578-4248341