Ulrike Kogler
Phone: +43 732 606162-0
- Recordsmanagement
- EU-Standard
- Fabasoft
- MoReq2
- Software
- IT
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Linz (pts029/15.09.2009/12:30) - The Austrian Fabasoft software corporation is the first software manufacturer worldwide to receive the MoReq2 certificate from the European DLM Forum on behalf of the European Commission. The certified software is called Fabasoft Folio and targets agile business processes, Information Governance and Business Records Management. The MoReq2 certificate was presented to Fabasoft on September 15 during the DMS-Expo in the framework of a press conference.
What is MoReq2 and what does it do?
MoReq means Model Requirements for the Management of Electronic Records. Put simply, this means proper capturing and saving of digitalized business records. Today MoReq2 is the most important specification for electronic document and records management in Europe. The European standard specifies the requirements for document administration, document and records management as well as for electronic archiving. The current version, MoReq2, was released on February 13, 2008 and completed through the inclusion of a software certification process in the course of 2008. A product wishing to use the title "MoReq2 certified" must undergo an elaborate testing regime as the MoReq2 standard is the norm for all users needing to administer and store electronic and hard copy information systematically and sustainably. Jef Schram of the European Commission in Brussels: "MoReq2 provides a comprehensive specification of the requirements for electronic document and business case management across all of Europe."
Fabasoft Folio sets MoReq2 standards
Through the certification of Folio, Fabasoft once again sets the standards. Fabasoft Folio transforms core business competence into agile business processes, stores audit proof business records and establishes a strict monitoring system for increased traceability and transparency. This facilitates the rapid assessment and correct evaluation of business situations. Decisions of critical importance for business may hence be made on the basis of up-to-date, consistent and uniform business records. One of Fabasoft Folio's special features relates to the efficient saving of business records whilst also saving on storage capacity. If an email from a client is forwarded to 20 internal recipients, frequently every recipient will also save it separately as a business record, thereby using up much more valuable storage capacity than needed by the document. The "Single Instance Content Store" principle of Fabasoft Folio makes sure that this email is actually saved physically in the product only once, even if the same content is saved repeatedly as business record. This leads to significant savings in storage capacity and creates order in the system. Fabasoft Folio is available in custom made product editions in accordance with individual clients' requirements. More information:
About Fabasoft
Fabasoft is a leading European software vendor for Enterprise Content Management (ECM), Compliance and Information Governance. Our software accelerates effective corporate compliance and governance based on the systematic and consistent control of enterprise content and business records that produces significant competitive advantage for our customers.
For more information please contact:
Ulrike Kogler
Fabasoft International Services GmbH
Honauerstraße 4
4020 Linz
Tel: +43 732 606162-0
Fax: +43 732 606162-609