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Edith Hörmann, Eva Choung-Fux
Phone: 0043 (0) 676 346 3046
Edith Hörmann, Eva Choung-Fux
Phone: 0043 (0) 676 346 3046
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Exhibition Eva Choung-Fux: SURVIVORS ON LIFE 1945 1995
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[ download press photo ] | title: Albert Uznik image text: Albert Uznik, *16.04.1918 Zellwinkel/Sele-Kot/Austria "The war was over in 1945, but not the struggle against fascism: young people, place importance on peace and freedom, hold onto your origin; then tolerance will come" copyright: Autor: Eva Choung-Fux |
[ download press photo ] | title: Denis Waterman image text: Denis Waterman, *12.10.1968 Amsterdam/Netherlands "Don't forget your family's history, it is your basis, of course; but you are responsible for your own life too. Go on with it - now" copyright: Autor: Eva Choung-Fux |
[ download press photo ] | title: Elisabeth Krispel image text: Elisabeth Krispel, * 14.10.1910 Hirm/Austria "Also in times of great hopelessness I have experienced that one can give help and pleasure. Really lonely is the one who has no faith at all" copyright: Autor: Eva Choung-Fux |
[ download press photo ] | title: Irene Schönefeld-Katan image text: Irene Schönefeld-Katan, *03.07.1960 Loosdrecht/Nl "Our grandparents time is still not open enough to us. To make things better in our time, we need to know all their mistakes and weaknesses too" copyright: Autor: Eva Choung-Fux |