Erik Thomas
Phone: +32 16 39 60 00
  • science and technology
  • water
  • electricity production and distribution
  • oil and gas - downstream activities
  • gas
  • fuel
  • materials
  • corrosion
  • hydrogen
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METALogic - TÜV AUSTRIA Group (22 releases)

Corrosion know-how facilitates the use of hydrogen as the fuel of tomorrow
Fossil fuels are nearing extinction. Electrolyzer, a plausible solution?
As we all know, fossil fuels are finite and experts are working tirelessly to find sustainable sources of alternative energy that will fuel the world of tomorrow. Hydrogen gas has been considered a valid option for the past decade since it can be used to generate electricity via fuel cells through a process of turning hydrogen gas into water. The main issue was that hydrogen is mainly sourced from natural gas. Since natural gas is indeed a fossil fuel, it is not sustainable in the long term.

Corrosion know-how facilitates the use of hydrogen as the fuel of tomorrow
2021-12-13, pts20211213007 Science/Technology, Environment/Energy
Italian QCB Quality Certification Bureau joins TÜV AUSTRIA Group
2021-12-01, pts20211201022 Companies/Finance, Commerce/Services
L'italiana QCB Quality Certification Bureau entra a far parte del gruppo TÜV AUSTRIA
2021-12-01, pts20211201021 Companies/Finance, Commerce/Services
OK Recycled: New TÜV AUSTRIA Certification Scheme Drives Sustainable Development
2021-09-28, pts20210928014 Commerce/Services, Environment/Energy
Certified Information Security for more than 100 million customers of Sber Group digital ecosystem
2021-04-08, pts20210408022 Companies/Finance, Computer/Telecommunications
SUEK Group Compliant with International Asset Management Standard ISO 55001
2020-11-13, pts20201113005 Environment/Energy, Companies/Finance

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