The heat treatment expert AICHELIN Group has expanded its product range to include innovative industrial vacuum furnaces and technologies. These modern, flexible and environmentally friendly solutions will be presented for the first time at the "HärtereiKongress" in Cologne from October 8 to 10. The new vacuum furnaces are sold, designed and produced by the joint venture company AICHELIN ST Vacuum GmbH, which was founded in May. With the addition of this important market segment, AICHELIN is now a full-service provider for heat treatment solutions. [more]
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SIVA Health AG, a Swiss MedTech company, has received certification according to the European Medical Device Regulation (EU) 2017/745 for its continuous cough monitoring system. This is the first fully automated AI-based continuous ambulatory cough monitoring system that has been approved as a medical device facilitating objective monitoring of treatment for patients with chronic cough in clinics and clinical trials.

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