DIM Foundation Ltd
DIM Foundation Ltd
Uros Trajkovic
Phone: +2787 701 0914
E-Mail: info@dim.foundation
  • blockchain
  • isin
  • ibin
  • stock broking
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DIM Foundation Ltd (5 releases)

Hybrid Stock Exchange, a blockchain based trading platform using the released IBIN as a blockshare identifier, are all set to adopt innovative features to sustain the needs of the ever growing industry. Watch the HYBSE trailer here: http://www.hybse.com [more]

IBIN introduced into billion dollar blockchain market by Hybrid Stock Exchange - www.ibin.io
2018-05-24, pts20180524028 Companies/Finance, Commerce/Services
DIMCOIN Opens at 3000%
2017-12-29, ptp20171229026 Companies/Finance, Commerce/Services
L'ICO DIMCOIN en cours va-t-il transformer à jamais le négoce d'actions?
2017-08-14, pts20170814018 Companies/Finance, Commerce/Services
¿ Puede cambiar la DIMCOIN ICO el comercio de acciones para siempre?
2017-08-14, pts20170814017 Companies/Finance, Commerce/Services
Can the ongoing DIMCOIN ICO Change Equity Trading Forever?
2017-08-10, pts20170810028 Companies/Finance, Commerce/Services