Alec Gagneux
Phone: +41 79 727 10 27
E-Mail: info@weff.ch
  • peace plan
  • peace talks
  • conflicts, war and peace
Wed, 12.06.2024
pts20240612015 Politics/Law
Pressbox Pressbox
Invitation: Media-Conference about the Mutual Peace Engagement – Meeting 2024
With the participation of Russian and American negotiators in Switzerland
[ PDF ]

Bad Schinznach/Bern (pts015/12.06.2024/08:15) - Friday, June 14th 2024, 10:30 until 12:00, Polit-Forum, Marktgasse 67, 3011 Bern: Civil Society is living prove that Peace-Negotiations are possible with BOTH main conflict parties. Recently such negotiations took place in a respectful and fair manner, in neutrality, near Lucerne.

June 15th and 16th, the Swiss Government wants to hold the second so called peace conference within 6 Month. In January – before and during the annual meeting of the WEF in Davos – Russia was not invited. How shall a conflict be ended, if – again – Russia is not at the negotiations- table on Bürgenstock-Ressort? How shall the Swiss Government be reliable, if the cabinet of ministers support an economic war against the people of Russia (EU sanctions were immediately adopted by the Swiss Government in 2022), while illegal wars of Nato-States were never sanctioned by the Swiss cabinet?

Results of the Mutual Peace Engagement – Meeting (Start: 10:30)

Alec Gagneux (Initiator of the Mutual Peace Engagement – Meeting), Alexander Peske and Florian D. Pfaff will present the results from the 12th of June meeting in Switzerland.


Ralph Bosshard (former Special Military Advisor to the Swiss Ambassador on the conflict in/around Ukraine) explains what the situation looks like in the war-area and what can be done to deescalate.

Alexander Peske (Swiss-Russian Journalist, Politician and Entrepreneur) presents the Russian perception of the causes and course of the current conflict in and around Ukraine.

Ray McGovern (USA, former CIA officer) presents the points of view of the USA and of Nato. Mrs. XY explains the Ukrainian situation (due to fear of repressions the name will not be communicated).

Florian D. Pfaff (former Major of the German army) explains, how the German Army violates the Constitution (Grundgesetz) for years.

Mutual Agreement: What is necessary to reduce bloodshed and enhance a more peaceful life in the Ukraine and in other conflict areas. How can WWlll be avoided?

Dialogue with visitors of the media-conference. End: 12:00

Contact/ Registraion: Alec Gagneux, Development-Dialoger, Switzerland info@weff.ch; +41-56 441 45 75 (+41-79 727 10 27)

Submitter: WEFF
Contact: Alec Gagneux
Phone: +41 79 727 10 27
E-Mail: info@weff.ch
Website: www.weff.ch