Historic Highlights of Germany
Historic Highlights of Germany
Björn Rudek
Phone: +49-651-97900460
E-Mail: info@historicgermany.com
  • Historic Highlights of Germany
  • Maypole
  • festival
  • Rhine
  • Osnabrueck
  • Mainz
  • Regensburg
  • Erfurt
  • Muenster
  • Augsburg
  • Oktoberfest
  • Volksfest
  • bratwurst
  • Germany

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Tracing festivals and the traditional German Volksfest
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Carnival in Mainz
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title: Carnival in Mainz
image text: A wonderful opportunity to experience the famous Mainz carnival, dance in the streets for three days and celebrate the 'fifth season of the year' with jesters and revellers.
copyright: Landeshauptstadt Mainz
Maypole in Osnabrück
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title: Maypole in Osnabrück
image text: The tradition of putting up a maypole goes back to pre-Roman times and is an old Germanic custom. In Osnabrück, this ceremony is celebrated each year with the "Maiwoche" (May Week).
copyright: historicgermany.com
Kiliani Volksfest in Würzburg
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title: Kiliani Volksfest in Würzburg
image text: In Würzburg, the first "Volksfest" already takes place in July, with classic beer tents and festival beer that has been especially brewed for the Kiliani-Volksfest. It is a traditional festival with folk music, traditional costumes and fun rides.
copyright: Laudenbacher Stadt Würzburg
Culinary traditions at each festival
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title: Culinary traditions at each festival
image text: One of the oldest records referring to the existence of the "Bratwurst" can be traced back to the year 1404.
copyright: Ron Stern
The Sendschwert
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title: The Sendschwert
image text: Since 1578, the so-called "Sendschwert" (lit. Send Sword) has been hung out at the Town Hall in Münster, a reminder that any unruly behavior at the fair used to be punishable . The "Send" takes place three times a year on the square in front of the "Schloss Münster" (Münster City Palace).
copyright: Münster Marketing