pressetext / newsfox
pressetext / newsfox
Michael Leidig
Phone: +43 (0)1 917 51 18
  • Austria
  • Travel
  • Vienna
  • Tourism
Fri, 26.04.2013
pte20130426010 Travel/Tourism, Commerce/Services
Pressbox Pressbox
Tourism industry can expect increased numbers in Vienna this summer
The Vienna Tourism Indicator predicts a marked increase in numbers of tourists

Vienna (pte010/26.04.2013/10:42) - The Vienna Tourism Indicator, published by the Schönbrunn Castle Culture and Management Company twice yearly, has predicted a marked increase in numbers of tourists - especially from Russia, Japan and China.

The difficult financial situation in Spain and Italy, however, has had a negative impact on tourists who prefer to stay at home.

Experts have come to the conclusion by comparing figures from last year to those obtained this year.

They also look into trends and long-term observations. The experts have not communicated the precise figures for the prediction.

Besides Russia, Japan and China, Vienna's tourism industry can look forward to an increase in numbers of travellers from Hungary, the Czech Republic and Poland.

Vienna Tourism recorded a fall of 0.5 percent in activity in the tourism branch in January, but the figures are expected to be positive from February onwards.

Submitter: pressetext / newsfox
Contact: Michael Leidig
Phone: +43 (0)1 917 51 18
pressetext / newsfox