pressetext / newsfox
pressetext / newsfox
Michael Leidig
Phone: +43 (0)1 917 51 18
  • Vienna
  • Tourism
  • Room
  • Hotel
Fri, 22.03.2013
pte20130322023 Travel/Tourism, Culture/Lifestyle
Pressbox Pressbox
Record number of overnight stays for Vienna in February
Vienna registered an increase of 5.6 percent in overnight stays

Vienna (pte023/22.03.2013/14:28) - Vienna registered 624,000 overnight stays last month (February), a record number and an increase of 5.6 percent on the same period last year.

According to the tourism board, there were a total of 1,298,000 overnight stays in January and February - an increase of 2.5 percent on 2012.

Countries such as Russia, the United Kingdom, the USA and Japan have the biggest share in the total percentage of overnight stays but there was an increase in tourists from Germany and Romania staying overnight in the Austrian capital.

Vienna Tourism Board said they registered a fall in numbers of tourists from Austria, France, Italy and Switzerland.

The new February records benefited all hotel-categories with the exception of three-star hotels.

Bed occupancy rates lay at an average of 37.4 percent for that month (36.4 percent in February 2012). The net turnover figure for the overnight stays in January was of 29.4 million Euros.

Tourism board said it wasn't possible to make a direct comparison with the same period last year because of new tax laws.

Submitter: pressetext / newsfox
Contact: Michael Leidig
Phone: +43 (0)1 917 51 18
pressetext / newsfox