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9th Pellets Industry Forum |
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Stuttgart (pts033/07.10.2009/14:40) - Diverse and internationally-oriented: exhibitors from 19 countries at Interpellets 2009
The European market for wood pellets is growing: Interpellets 2009, the international trade fair for pellets technology, starts today at the Stuttgart Trade Fair Center against the backdrop of excellent market conditions. 138 exhibitors (2008: 121), of whom 35 percent are from outside Germany, will present the entire spectrum of pellets technology on an exhibition area of 8,600 square meters in size (2008: 7,000). Organizer Solar Promotion and supporters German Energy Wood and Pellets Association (DEPV) and German Solar Energy Society (DGS) are expecting a total of 6,000 visitors over three days. Over 535 experts from 35 countries are in attendance at the 9th Pellets Industry Forum, which runs until today in Stuttgart's International Congress Center. On Friday, October 9, Interpellets is also open to the general public: Information will be available regarding all classes of wood pellet heating systems, legal conditions and current subsidies.
Large boilers, small heaters, a large variety of storage systems, complete production plants and vendor components: With many international players, the industry centered on wood pellet technology will present itself in all its diversity at Interpellets 2009, which opens today in Stuttgart. Over the next three days, 138 exhibitors will present the complete spectrum of pellets technology. "This year's Interpellets concept is even more comprehensive and more internationally-oriented than that of last year," states Markus Elsässer, CEO of organizer Solar Promotion, with satisfaction. "Above all, the number of suppliers at Interpellets has grown sharply: We are recording higher numbers of pelleting plant and conveyor system providers as well as highly specialized suppliers from the initial section of the pellets value-added chain," says Elsässer.
But even the number of wholesalers and manufacturers of boilers and heaters has risen in comparison to last year. "This year we are able to welcome exhibitors from 19 countries - last year only nine countries were represented," confirms Elsässer. Also aimed at raising awareness of the industry's diversity is the PHAC Forum, "Fit for the pellets market", which is offered within the Interpellets fringe program. It is geared toward trade professionals and provides comprehensive tips and reports which can be used in practice. The PHAC Forum will take place each day between 10:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. at the Exhibitor Forum, booth 3.7.40.
Pellet industry trend: building owners invest increasingly in pellet heating systems
"Contrary to the declining national economy, the German pellets industry has had a positive start to 2009," says DEPV Chairwoman Beate Schmidt. Pellets heating systems are in great demand. Nationally applicable subsidy conditions coupled with numerous programs at state and municipal level support satisfactory market progression. According to Schmidt, more home owners, as well as municipal and commercial supporters, invested in building renovation work, and primarily in exchanging their heating system technology. This was also shown by results currently published in the German Pellets Industry Report for 2009, produced by Solar Promotion GmbH in collaboration with the DEPV. The industry report reflects the views of manufacturers, wholesalers and pellets technology installers on general development. Around 40 percent of the companies asked are expecting growth of up to 25 percent in 2010. When split into separate fields, the manufacturers of heaters and boilers are looking particularly optimistically toward the next business year: they anticipate growth of over 25 percent.
Heating system exchange in existing buildings: Baden-Württemberg leading the way from January 1, 2010
Martin Bentele, CEO of the DEPV and the German Pellet Institute (DEPI), is happy with the market development, but is demanding reliable political support for the further growth in the pellet industry. "As is already the case in Baden-Wuerttemberg with its Renewable Energy Heating Act, a clear signal could, for example, be a national expansion of the legal obligation to use renewable heating sources, even in existing buildings." Bentele added that minimum requirements should be placed on the efficiency of existing heating systems in order to clear the refurbishment backlog in German boiler rooms.
From January 1, 2010, Baden-Wuerttemberg will again assume a leading role, as the state's Renewable Heating Act (EWärmeG) - in contrast to national law - places requirements on the exchange of heating systems in existing buildings, says Gregor Stephani, head of the division for fundamental questions regarding climate protection and law at the Baden-Wuerttemberg Ministry for the Environment, and speaker at the opening of the 9th Pellets Industry Forum on October 6. The specialist conference brings together around 535 industry experts from all over the world and ends on October 7.
Interpellets open to the general public on October 9 from 9:00 a.m. until
4:00 p.m.
Interpellets also opens its doors to the general public: On Friday October 9, pellet boilers and heaters in all performance categories as well as storage systems to meet every requirement can be viewed at Interpellets. Questions will also be answered regarding current legal conditions and incentive programs.
Organizers and supporters of Interpellets 2009 and the 9th Pellets Industry Forum:
The Interpellets 2009 trade fair and the 9th Pellets Industry Forum are organized by Solar Promotion GmbH, Pforzheim, Germany. Funding for the event is provided by the German Energy Pellets Association (DEPV) and the German Solar Energy Society (DGS).
Sponsors of the 9th Pellets Industry Forum:
Gold Sponsor: FireStixx Holzenergie GmbH
Silver Sponsors:
Meneba B.V., Ökofen Heiztechnik GmbH, Paradigma Deutschland GmbH, RIKA Innovative Ofentechnik GmbH and Schellinger KG.
Bronze Sponsors:
BayWa AG, Energie, Bühler AG, DIN CERTCO, EWK Umwelttechnik GmbH, GEE Energy GmbH & Co. KG, Haas + Sohn, SHT Heiztechnik aus Salzburg GmbH, Solarfocus GmbH, STELA Laxhuber GmbH, Windhager Zentralheizung GmbH and wodtke GmbH.
Further information on Interpellets 2009 and the 9th Pellets Industry Forum;
Solar Promotion GmbH
Martin Pfränger / Horst Dufner
P.O. Box 100 170
75101 Pforzheim, Germany
Phone +49 (0)7231 / 58 59 8-0
Fax +49 (0)7231 / 58 59 8-28
Press contact:
Press office Interpellets 2009 and 9th Pellets Industry Forum
c/o pr.moebitz Gabriele Möbitz
Freiaustraße 58
79100 Freiburg, Germany
Phone +49 (0)761 / 881 49-84
Fax +49 (0)761 / 881 49-85