Martin Pfränger
Phone: 07231 - 58 598 - 0
- renewable Energy
- Interpellets
- Pellets Industry Forum
- wood pellets
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Pforzheim/Stuttgart (pts019/31.08.2011/12:00) - The international pellets industry is enjoying unstoppable growth. Pöyry Management Consulting Ltd. of Vantaa, a Finnish energy consulting company, predicts that by 2020, we could see global consumption of wood pellets hit 45 million metric tons. The pace of market growth is frenetic: consumption was 16 million metric tons in 2010, up from just 2 million metric tons in 2000. Such growth inevitably brings new challenges, and it is increasingly important to ensure a good exchange of experience and information within the industry. From October 4-5, 2011, over 500 experts from more than thirty nations around the world will come together for the 11th Pellets Industry Forum to be held at the International Congress Center Stuttgart (ICS) at Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre. The Forum will take place under the umbrella of the Interpellets Exhibition, which will open its gates on October 5-7 in the Stuttgart exhibition grounds.
Pforzheim/Stuttgart, August 31, 2011 - International pellet markets are enjoying a period of immense growth. The increasing demand for pellets means a growing need for wood. This obviously gives rise to questions about the sustainability of wood pellet production. Growth-driven intermeshing of markets also means that issues such as quality assurance and production safety assume a greater importance. The 11th Pellets Industry Forum, to be held from October 4-5, 2011 in Stuttgart, examines these topics through an extensive program of lectures. The Forum opens on October 4 with a presentation on the process of moving towards a sustainable, future-oriented energy supply. The opening speaker is Prof. Dr. Klaus Töpfer, former Minister of the Environment and Chairman of the German government's Ethics Commission on a Safe Energy Supply.
Focus on market growth
According to the forecast by Pöyry Management Consulting, global consumption of wood pellets will reach 46 million metric tons by 2020. That is equivalent to growth of over 187 percent in just a decade. Against this dynamic background, the likely pattern of development of individual markets around the world will be one of the focal topics of the Pellets Industry Forum. In the section entitled "Trends and developments in the international pellets market", Todd Bush of Pöyry Management Consulting will provide a forward perspective on global pellet trading in 2020. Experts in the boiler, stove and power industries will provide in-depth insights into developments in their respective markets. On Day 2, in "Country reports", speakers will consider the pellet markets in Canada, USA, Sweden, Russia, the Ukraine, Bulgaria and South Korea.
Sustainable use of wood
The rapid increase in international trading goes hand in hand with concerns about pellet production sustainability, and international measures for ensuring checks on sustainable production. Deforestation of native forests, illegal wood cutting and the competition from short rotation coppice for arable land for food production must be prevented. The "PellCert" project supported by the EU Commission focuses on the development of sustainability criteria for inclusion in the new quality seal for pellets, the ENplus certification system. The project draws together numerous pellet associations, Aebiom (the European Biomass Association) and representatives from the electricity industry. There will be a debate on "Raw material wood - competition and sustainability" on October 4, at which representatives of opposing interest groups will be able to voice their views.
Production, quality assurance and safety
Quality and safety standards in pellet production will be another subject under the spotlight at the Pellets Industry Forum. The section on "The production of pellets - certification and safety" will provide an insight into current quality and safety standards. Peter Rechberger, General Manager of the European Pellet Council (EPC), Brussels, Belgium, reports on October 5 on the market launch of the ENplus label and progress to date.
In "Pellets production - technology, design and operation of large pellets plants" speakers will examine the latest technological developments such as torrefaction of biomass. Pre-treatment by torrefaction can help solve co-combustion problems in coal-fired power plants. It also makes biomass easier to store by rendering it water-repellent. Additionally, weight is reduced while energy values remain virtually the same. Dr. Hans Dieter Hermes, Head of Biomass Development at Vattenfall, Berlin, Germany, will talk about initial experiences gained from large-scale testing with processed wood pellets in coal-fired power plants.
Communes and industry convert to pellet heating
Many municipalities and commercial enterprises already invested in renewable energy some time ago by installing a pellets heating system. This trend is on the up because as well as wanting to help the environment and lower their CO2 emissions, pellet plant operators can also make huge saving on fuel costs. The German Pellet Institute (DEPI) in Berlin has calculated that a business with an annual energy demand of 2.2 gigawatt hours (GWh) can save approximately 58,000 EUR on heating costs by using wood pellets instead of oil. A series of lectures grouped under the heading "Commercial and municipal use" on October 5 will provide a comprehensive insight into this topic. Innovation in boiler and stove technologies will also be examined in a separate series of lectures.
Financing of bioenergy projects
A workshop on "Financing of big bioenergy projects" will round off the 11th Pellets Industry Forum. This interactive workshop will look at ways of obtaining funding for biomass projects such as the construction of a pellet production plant or the installation of a combined heat and power plant. The workshop will be led by Michael Ware of BDO LLP, London, UK. Mr. Ware will outline the steps involved in a successful project, possible financers and typical financing terms.
Industry meeting point: Interpellets 2011
The 11th Pellets Industry Forum will take place one day before, and on the first day of Interpellets, the central platform for the international pellet and wood-fired heating industry. Interpellets 2011 opens its gates on October 5-7, 2011 in the grounds of the Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre. An expected over 100 exhibitors from Germany and abroad have an area spanning 7,000 square meters to showcase their latest products, services and technical solutions in the field of pellets technology and wood-fired heating. The show is expected to attract some 6,000 visitors, of which around 25 percent from outside Germany.
Characters (incl. spaces): 6.725
The complete program of the 11th Pellets Industry Forum is available at:
For further information, please visit and
Organizers and partners of Interpellets 2011 and the 11th Pellets Industry Forum:
The Interpellets 2011 exhibition and the 11th Pellets Industry Forum are organized by Solar Promotion GmbH, Pforzheim. The events are supported by the German Wood Energy and Pellet Association (DEPV), the German Solar Energy Society (DGS) and the European Pellet Council (EPC).
Sponsors of the 11th Pellets Industry Forum:
ANDRITZ Feed & Biofuel, Esbjerg/Denmark
Bühler GmbH, Braunschweig/Germany
DIEFENBACHER GmbH, Eppingen/Germany
DIN CERTCO Gesellschaft für Konformitätsbewertung mbH, Berlin/Germany
EWK Umwelttechnik GmbH, Kaiserslautern/Germany
Fagus-GreCon Greten GmbH & Co. KG, Alfeld/Hannover/Germany
FireStixx Holzenergie GmbH, Vilsbiburg/Germany
FRAM Renewable Fuels LLC, Richmond Hill/USA
HAAS+SOHN OFENTECHNIK GMBH, Puch bei Hallein/Austria
Kleeschulte GmbH & Co. KG, Büren/Germany
PRODESA Medioambiente, Zaragoza/Spain
Schellinger KG, Weingarten/Germany
SALMATEC GmbH, Salzhausen/Germany
SHT Heiztechnik aus Salzburg GmbH, Salzburg-Bergheim/Austria
Solarfocus GmbH, St. Ulrich/Steyr/Austria
Solar Promotion GmbH
Martin Pfränger / Barbara Pilz
P.O. Box 100 170
75101 Pforzheim, Germany
Tel.: +49 7231 58598-0
Fax: +49 7231 58598-28
Press contacts:
Robert Schwarzenböck
fischerAppelt, relations GmbH
Infanteriestraße 11a
80797 Munich, Germany
Tel.: +49 8974 7466-23
Fax: +49 8974 7466-66