Marco Karnthaler
Phone: +43 676 83646 212
  • Corporate development
  • Economy and finance
  • Metal and technical industry
  • Expansion
  • Company figures
  • Heat treatment
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AICHELIN Group (43 releases)

AICHELIN Group with record revenue in 2023 and growth despite global challenges
The AICHELIN Group, a company of Berndorf AG, is a global market leader in the heat treatment of metals and achieved record revenue of EUR 214 million in the 2023 financial year. Despite global crises and difficult conditions in Europe, the company was able to record very good overall performance and is planning further expansion steps for 2024.

AICHELIN Group with record revenue in 2023 and growth despite global challenges
2024-05-28, ptp20240528016 Companies/Finance, Products/Innovations
AICHELIN Group and Sistem Teknik sign joint venture agreement
2024-05-14, ptp20240514015 Products/Innovations, Science/Technology
AICHELIN Group signs sales agreement for German EMA Indutec
2024-03-06, ptp20240306011 Products/Innovations, Companies/Finance
NOXMAT Expands with Subsidiary in the US
2023-05-17, ptp20230517013 Companies/Finance, Products/Innovations
AICHELIN Increases Energy Efficiency of Third-Party Plants
2023-05-12, ptp20230512004 Products/Innovations, Science/Technology
Pow(d)er for Europe
2023-04-12, ptp20230412026 Companies/Finance, Environment/Energy
AICHELIN Modernizes SKF Plants in Lüchow, Germany
2023-03-22, ptp20230322007 Products/Innovations, Companies/Finance
New dual leadership at Slovenian AICHELIN subsidiary BOSIO d.o.o.
2023-03-14, ptp20230314018 Products/Innovations, Companies/Finance
AICHELIN Delivers Heat Treatment Plant with CO2-neutral Heating to Hirschvogel
2022-12-15, ptp20221215028 Companies/Finance, Computer/Telecommunications
NOXMAT expands product spectrum with burner technology for the aluminum industry
2022-09-15, ptp20220915011 Companies/Finance, Computer/Telecommunications

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