Krajete GmbH
Krajete GmbH
Dr. Alexander Krajete
Phone: +43 (0) 699 172 668 20
  • krajete
  • Fuel
  • C02
  • renewable energy
  • power to Gas
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Krajete GmbH (1 releases)

Microorganisms as powerhouses for electricity storage
Smart production process for natural gas from C02 and hydrogen ready for market
An innovative process for storing electricity generated from renewable energy sources is now market ready, a fourth patent application having been filed. The process, which was developed by Austrian company Krajete GmbH and is based on microorganisms, enables a highly efficient and environmentally friendly conversion of climate-damaging CO2 and hydrogen into - storable - methane. The innovative method makes use of a natural metabolic process in microorganisms known as "archaea" to generate pure methane as the main constituent of natural gas. In addition to power storage, the clean solution developed by this leading Austrian innovator also provides resource-conserving options for the production of biofuels and the low-cost purification of biogas and waste gas.

Microorganisms as powerhouses for electricity storage
2013-04-24, pts20130424009 Products/Innovations, Science/Technology