CarDelMar Ferienautovermietung GmbH
CarDelMar Ferienautovermietung GmbH
Phone: +49-(0)40- 180 48 36 13
  • CarDelMar
  • car rental
  • car hire
  • tourism
  • travel
  • holiday
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CarDelMar Ferienautovermietung GmbH (17 releases)

These customers, who wanted to book their holiday car hire spontaneously last year in such destinations as Ibiza or Malaga for instance were very often left without nothing or had to pay enormous amounts in order to find a suitable car. It was no surprise for many of the drivers to pay 500GBP the mini car hire category in the peak season. This may happen again in 2010, as the general manager of CarDelMar Carsten Greiner claimed. [more]

CarDelMar: Car hire broker warns against shortage of car hire this summer
2010-02-04, pts20100204039 Travel/Tourism, Automotive/Transport
CarDelMar rewards early bookers
2009-08-27, pts20090827022 Travel/Tourism, Culture/Lifestyle
CarDelMar récompense les réservations anticipées
2009-08-27, pts20090827021 Travel/Tourism, Culture/Lifestyle
CarDelMar continue son expansion
2009-07-14, pts20090714019 Travel/Tourism, Companies/Finance
CarDelMar offers new holiday destinations
2009-07-14, pts20090714018 Travel/Tourism, Companies/Finance
Nota de prensa: CarDelMar ofrece un descuento especial del 10%
2009-07-09, pts20090709029 Travel/Tourism, Culture/Lifestyle
CarDelMar: le meilleur fonds de couverture pour des vacances au meilleur prix
2009-01-08, pts20090108029 Building/RealEstates, Automotive/Transport
CarDelMar: Car Hire-Hedging guarantees cheap car hire for your annual holiday
2009-01-08, pts20090108028 Travel/Tourism, Automotive/Transport
Les taux de change actuels rendent les destinations lointaines attractives
2008-12-02, pts20081202030 Travel/Tourism, Companies/Finance
Il cambio rende i viaggi molto più economici
2008-12-02, pts20081202029 Travel/Tourism, Companies/Finance

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