AMAG Austria Metall AG
AMAG Austria Metall AG
Leopold Pöcksteiner
Phone: +43 7722-801-2205
  • Rolling mill
  • shipments
  • AMAG
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AMAG Austria Metall AG (4 releases)

AMAG: 2014 is another year of record shipments
* Rolling mill and casthouse in mid-December already exceed last year's record shipments

AMAG: 2014 is another year of record shipments
2014-12-17, pts20141217005 Companies/Finance, Commerce/Services
AMAG to build Europe's most modern aluminium rolling mill at Ranshofen
2014-11-06, pts20141106025 Companies/Finance, Products/Innovations
Successful Commissioning of AMAG's Hot Rolling Mill
2014-09-09, pts20140909033 Companies/Finance, Commerce/Services
AMAG concludes long-term supply contract with Boeing
2014-01-20, pts20140120017 Products/Innovations, Science/Technology