Sissi Kammerlander
Phone: +43 676 7807229
- EU
- corruption
- politics
- migration
- children's rights
- child abuse
- out-of-home placement
- child welfare
- foster care
- Trump
- social engineering
- geostrategy
- child trafficking
- legal system
Pressbox | ![]() |
Vienna/Austria (pts022/26.06.2018/14:30) - Dear Mr. President, Dear First Lady,
In the name of innumerable children, we thank you for taking this step, so that immigrant children shall no longer be separated from their parents. At the same time, I should like to make a great request: Please use your influence on the responsible European and Austrian politicians to put an end to the child welfare offices' practice of taking children away from their natural parents and siblings under threadbare pretences and with trumped up excuses, and placing them in strange quarters.
A separation from beloved parents, to whom children are biologically and psychologically bound, is already traumatic for the children, yet after this follow years of court proceedings, often further cases of child abuse in the children's new quarters and even what is called "Parental Alienation Syndrome." Parents who choose to make their struggle for parental custody public are intimidated, sanctioned and often legally persecuted for years to come. In the end, they are exhausted, ill and financially bled dry. Many can flee the country, but their relatives who remain in Austria are punished.
Quotes from ORF:
Quote: "On Wednesday US President Donald Trump Ended the Highly Controversial Separation of Illegal Immigrants from Their Children with an Executive Order". European child welfare offices practise the forced separation of parents and children with the help of the legal system in millions of cases, and Austrian child welfare offices are especially brutal, and that even with completely normal families. The children who are taken away from their families and placed with strangers are traumatised for life by the separation and out-of-home care.
Quote: "The Practice of the Separation of Parents and Children Had Led to an International Outcry". Why is there no outcry about the millions of kidnappings perpetrated by the child welfare offices in Europe? Is mainstream manipulation already so widespread? The children's suffering is indescribable when they are torn from their families, be it in the USA, Mexico, Austria or elsewhere; whether they are infants, pre-schoolers, or of school age. The mass destruction of families through child removal has reached epidemic proportions and leads to the traumatisation of large portions of the population.
Quote: "Among Others, Pope Francis Had Joined the US Conference of Catholic Bishops in Condemning the Practice of the US Border Authorities as Inhumane and Unacceptable". Why is the Pope, and the entire Catholic clergy, silent about the mass family destruction that occurs because children in Europe, and especially in Austria are taken into public custody? The approach of the US border authorities in the past and that of the European child welfare authorities to date is the same: They remove children forcefully from their families with catastrophic consequences that last for generations. This is inhumane and unacceptable in any case!
Quote: "Media Showed Pictures of Children in Cages". The pictures are from the year 2014, when Obama was still in power.
Quote: "In Audio Recordings Children Who Were Separated from Their Parents Could Be Heard Weeping Bitterly". Newborn babies are taken away from desperate mothers, older children are taken out of daycare centers, schools, from playgrounds or courtrooms by armed police officers, as soon as the child welfare office claims "imminent danger".
Quote: "According to a Statement by the US-Department of Homeland Security, over 2,300 Children Were Separated from Their Parents at the Border to Mexico since the Beginning of May Alone". In 2016 in Austria 13,646 children lived separated from their parents, in out-of-home placement, this in crisis centers, homes, with so-called foster parents, in halfway houses and psychiatric clinics. The foster care and out-of-home placement of children is a billion market.
Quote: "He and Other Politicians Appealed to the US Government to Review Its Course and to Make 'Children's Welfare and Rights' a Priority". We appeal to the European governments finally to take care for the welfare of our children by putting a stop to thousands of unjustified out-of-home placements! Children must not continue to be taken away and alienated from their own families in the war game between the child welfare office, the court and foster care!
Mr. President:
Please drain the deep swamp of child abuse in child abduction and public custody!
For further information:
Sissi Kammerlander
+43 676 7807229
fb group: victims mission charity
Heiderose Manthey Chairwoman of the ARCHE, educationalist and freelance journalist on their way to overcome kid - eke - pas, child snatching (not only) in Germany - parental-child-alienation - parental alienation syndrome
Angelika Niedermüller
+43 664 3853126
fb group: victims mission charity
Klaus Oberndorfer
+43 677 62027752
fb group: victims mission charity