Ramona Hiess
Phone: +41 41 3675168
- Koni Gebistorf
- 10 most popular English downloads of 2017
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
- Storytelling with Data
- Deep Work
- getAbstract AG
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getAbstract's Top 10 Downloads 2017 |
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Lucerne (pts035/16.01.2018/17:00) - In an age of constant distraction, getAbstract readers are especially interested in tackling time management and establishing deeper relationships. Such is the logical conclusion when looking at the knowledge provider's 10 most popular English downloads of 2017.
Among thousands of produced summaries last year, "Deep Work," a title urging workers to put their electronic devices on hold and focus on real work instead, triumphed over the rest. However, it wasn't the only popular title on the topic to crack the top 10. "The 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management" ranked 7th, while "Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk in a Digital Age" placed 10th.
"If you try to find a common thread running through last year's most popular publications, you discover that a lot of them deal with distinctively human abilities, as opposed to things that can be outsourced to algorithms and robots," says Koni Gebistorf, English Executive Editor at getAbstract. "That's a trend we expect to continue in 2018. Professionals realize that if they focus on what separates them from robots, the ability to build relationships for instance, they are in a solid position. We will keep looking for books and other publications that help our readers develop those innately human strengths."
getAbstract's Top 3 Downloads in 2017:
1. "Deep Work." In this 2016 guide to tuning out distractions, computer scientist Cal Newport offers advice on navigating a world dominated by electronic interruptions. A response to such equals "shallow work," he says, arguing that "deep work is necessary to wring every last drop of value out of your current intellectual capacity."
2. "Storytelling with Data." The age of big data is here to stay, and author Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic serves up suggestions for communicating with numbers and using data visualization tools. Intriguingly, telling stories with data isn't so different from telling stories with words. "Being able to tell stories with data is a skill that's becoming ever more important in our world of increasing data and desire for data-driven decision making," Nussbaumer Knaflic writes.
3. "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People." This enduring classic was first published in 1989. While the two most popular downloads are very much a product of their tech-centered times, "The 7 Habits" is timeless. Author Stephen Covey, who died in 2012, offers common-sense and powerful tidbits such as "Be proactive" and "Begin with the end in mind."
Other popular downloads of the year: "Thinking, Fast and Slow"; "The Coaching Habit"; "Winning Arguments"; "The 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management"; "70:20:10"; "The Five Thieves of Happiness"; and "Reclaiming Conversation."
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getAbstract was founded in 1999 in Lucerne (CH) and is the world's #1 summary service for non-fiction books, articles, videos and reports. Delivering key insights in concise summaries, we are making millions of users the best-read experts on the business scene. Our library consists of more than 15,000 titles across seven languages. With a large network of more than 600 publishing partners, we offer the latest trends in business, leadership, innovation, time management, health & well-being, emotional intelligence, creativity and much more. Our overseas branch office is located in Miami.
Press contact:
Ramona Hiess
T: +41 41 367 51 68