Norbert Eder
Phone: +4915126405707
- payment
- mobile commerce
- retail
- smartphone apps
- mobile payment
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Berlin (ptp034/25.09.2013/15:00) - Rapid shopping with the smartphone - fast lane for mobile customers
- valuephone: bring your own device (BYOD) - the mobile phone becomes a POS
- New product: Mobile phone is Self Scanning and Self Checkout enabled for shopping
- After Mobile Payment further function for clever shopping with the smartphone
Do you know this scene? You want to buy a product rapidly, something like an energy drink, icecream for the children, some little things you forgot for cooking or also fresh products. Then it is always this scene: you are waiting at the checkout until the persons in front have paid their shopping carts filled to capacity and their purchases. Even if friendly people have compassion on you and let you go first with your single can, you will still stand behind full shopping carts. Mostly, shopping takes more time than consuming in this case.
Or imagine, on a Saturday you want to build, fix or renovate something, you have a lot of things to do and need to go to the DIY market in the morning to buy some special materials. Hundreds of others had the same idea and still you do not know if the queues at the consultants or the queues at the checkout are longer. First hurdle is to find the right products and then to get further information to buy the right one - time is money in this case. While you are searching and waiting in the DYI market, nothing will happen at home.
These scenes might soon be a picture from the past. Already today, modern shops can offer their consumers a special service with a fast lane: the POS in the own mobile phone. No waiting at the checkout. If you decide to use the fast lane, you can enter the prices and piece numbers of the items with the phone yourself (Self Scanning) and then pay via smartphone app independently (Self Checkout). The advantage for the customers is clear: they decide the duration of the purchases themselves. The mobile phone gets another service for clever shopping.
In the DYI market, the mobile phone offers additional information concerning ingredients, fabrication or producer info via barcode. With this self info at the shelf, you can call home, talk about the product and price info and then decide for the right product together. You save money, time and nerves.
The software company valuephone GmbH, specialist for Mobile Payment, Mobile Couponing and Mobile Loyalty, enlarges its product portfolio with offering Self Scanning and Self Checkout via mobile phone. Beginning of the fast lane is the checkin at the shop. The consumer has everything he needs for this: his own smartphone that is used for authentification, scanning the items and payment. In the shop, the "own device" becomes info terminal and POS in one. In the shop, he opens his shopping app, scans the code to checkin and reaches the menu point Shop & GO. Then the consumer can scan the barcodes of his items and at the end pay directly with the mobile phone via the payment feature of the shopping app.
Paying with the smartphone as feature in the shopping app is already possible via the valuephone process platform in more than 4.000 supermarkets in Germany since May 2013. Partner is the Deutsche Post Zahlungsdienste GmbH, a hundred percent daughter of the Deutsche Post, who processes the payment transactions and guarantees data security, data protection and privacy.
With self scanning, discounts and coupons for items are recognized automatically by the software, are reduced from the final amount and shown as extra. Another service is, if desired by the consumers, the comparison of purchased items and the shopping list that has been planned. If you forgot something, you can still fetch it before paying.
Having selected the items, you will come to the checkout function and to the POS in the own mobile phone. With the payment function of the shopping app, the scanned items are paid. As usual with valuephone, you will get the receipt via Push and via e-mail. Optionally, the checkout code is displayed on the consumer's mobile phone that is scanned at the terminal and shows the receipt on the terminal's screen. This way, an employee maybe helping with packing can have a look at the purchased items. Moreover an alert function for age-specific items helps the consumer and the shop assistant to comply with youth protection laws. The new product is available now.
About valuephone
valuephone is the leading provider for Mobile Payment, Mobile Couponing and Mobile Loyalty. Via the valuephone platform solution for retail Mobile Loyality, already more than 30.000 POSes in about 13.000 stores are connected. The valuephone shopping apps for consumers have more than 1 million registered users and about 5 millions of app downloads. The valuephone GmbH from Berlin has been founded in 2006 and has further locations in Schöneck and Pilsen. About 50 IT experts develop innovative and standardized software solutions. The company is a pioneer concerning Mobile Loyalty Management and Mobile Payment in Germany.
Press contact
Norbert Eder
Rene Schiller
Friedrichstr. 204, 10117 Berlin
Tel. : Mobil: +49 151 26405707