valuephone GmbH
valuephone GmbH
Norbert Eder
Phone: +49 37464-840
  • valuephone
  • Payment with the Smartphone
  • Retail
  • Mobile Payment
Wed, 07.08.2013
ptp20130807025 Science/Technology, Culture/Lifestyle
Pressbox Pressbox
valuephone: Mobile Payment is Additive for Mobile Lifestyle
Industry meets at Mobile Business Trends 2013

Berlin/Düsseldorf (ptp025/07.08.2013/15:45) - According to Stefan Krueger, CEO valuephone GmbH ( ), Mobile Payment will only become accepted in combination with further consumer services. Paying with a smartphone app will be most advantageous for the user if the mobile payment transaction at the checkout includes other actions like redeeming coupons and discounts or the registration of a bonus card automatically. Systems or provider only offering Mobile Payment will - according to Stefan Krueger - have more difficulties to represent a concrete additional value for the acceptance partners, but also for the consumers. "Mobile Payment is an additive for Mobile Lifestyle - no more, no less", says Stefan Krueger. These are the central statements on the discussion meeting "Mobile Business Trends: Mobile Take-off 2013" of the Verband der deutschen Internetwirtschaft (eco) and the IHK Düsseldorf on 20.06.2013 in Düsseldorf.

For the companies, Mobile Payment will, according to Krueger, be the final element in an innovative and complex chain of individual communication to the consumer and strategic marketing. The apps for consumers are simply the new communication tool between producer/retail and consumer. Crucial is the technology and the processes/platforms behind. The individual communication with thousands of consumers requires a powerful Backoffice area that is integrated in the classical systems of the retail and the producers and moreover needs a special security architecture for data protection, data security and protection of data privacy. "A single Mobile Payment app would be missing the point", says Stefan Krueger.

The discussion about standardization and unification of Mobile Payment systems has to be regarded very differentiated according to Stefan Krueger. Fundamental standards for data security, data protection, security in the mobile payment transactions and secure mobile communication are very important. Some of these standards are already existing and have to be developed constantly. However, Stefan Krueger thinks that is it too early for standards concerning the transaction of Mobile Payment. These standards are built by a critical quantity of acceptance points and the requests of consumers.

About the valuephone GmbH
valuephone is the leading provider for Mobile Payment, Mobile Couponing and Mobile Loyalty. Via the valuephone platform solution for retail Mobile Loyality, already more than 30.000 POSes in about 13.000 stores are connected. The valuephone shopping apps for consumers have more than 1 million registered users and about 5 millions of app downloads. The valuephone GmbH from Berlin has been founded in 2006 and has further locations in Schöneck and Pilsen. About 50 IT experts develop innovative and standardized software solutions. The company is a pioneer concerning Mobile Loyalty Management and Mobile Payment in Germany.

Additional links:
Secure Mobile Payment without NFC:

Press contact:
Norbert Eder
Rene Schiller
Friedrichstr. 204, 10117 Berlin
Tel. : Mobil: +49 151 26405707

Submitter: valuephone GmbH
Contact: Norbert Eder
Phone: +49 37464-840
valuephone GmbH