DI Mag. Andreas Dörner
Phone: 01-2164268-0
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mySAP ERP with Andritz |
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Vienna/Graz (pts011/13.03.2006/10:05) - Kotka (FI) - Savonlinna(FI) - Hollola(FI) - Cologne(DE) - Bretten(DE) - Foshan/Guangdong (CN) - Atlanta(US) - Graz(AT): Based in Graz, Austria, Andritz is a technology group with global operations. The group is one of the market leaders in high-tech production systems and industrial process solutions for various standard and highly specialized products in pulp and paper, steel and a number of other industries. The Group has approximately 5,900 employees and runs 30 production/service facilities and over 100 affiliates and distribution firms throughout the world.
In a technology group with global operations like Andritz, a flexible, error-free and fast standard software solution has gained importance, not only due to global operations across the group, but also regarding regional specifications. The international operations of the group and the global cooperation of the affiliates in Finland, China and North America have shown that a global ERP system was necessary in the long run. With the electronic crosslinking of business processes Andritz was offered an SAP based tool that made the efficient realisation of continuously increasing demands possible.
"The Austrian head office itself was using the customised INES system. This system had come to the end of its product life cycle. The Finnish Andritz Oy needed a new software solution for Logistics, Finance/Accounting and Project Controlling. Plus the American affiliates were using seven different ERP systems. A consistent global ERP system integrating all PLM tools had become the clear target", Dr. Autischer (Chief Business Process Officer, Andritz AG) explains, "For us SAP was the most appropriate system solution."
mySAP ERP with Andritz
In March 2004 the new SAP strategy as a basis for the entire business workflow of Andritz was put into action. Previously the processes of Andritz ran on sixteen different ERP systems. With the standardisation and integration of SAP, a global crosslinking of all processes and locations could be realised - for the first time. According to the requirements of Andritz, mySAP ERP was customised and a global template, the so-called ASAP, was developed as a basis for the global rollout. By 2010, mySAP ERP with comprehensive functionalities including a total of 3,000 users will be implemented at 30 different facilities.
Global CNT Consulting for Andritz
CNT has been working with the Andritz group since the creation of the blueprint. The consultants of CNT accomplish the rollout of the global template on site at the different facilites. By means of the mutually developed Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System, the business activities of the entire Andritz group shall become more effective and flexible.
DI Andreas Dörner, CNT managing director, about the advantages of the customised Andritz SAP system: "The global ERP system offers Global Resource Sharing within the group and provides a comprehensive project management tool, that has completely been integrated in the processes of Logistics and Finance. At the same time, the Andritz PLM systems were linked up. By means of the SAP DMS (Document Management System) central access to all engineering documents and technical documentations has been realised and easy utilisation of these documents in daily business such as in the procurement or the servicing department has become possible. The processes of different functional areas such as procurement, accounting, controlling, etc. have largely been harmonised. This is an important contribution to the automating of business operations within the group and considerably improves financial overview and reporting. The integrative software solution reduces risks and costs as in future only one system has to be maintained."
One of the basic principles of CNT Management Consulting is the right number of SAP tools in use. The user may not be confused and get lost. This was also one of the requests of the Andritz group. "We aimed at avoiding an overkill of functionalities, too many functionalities only make processes more complicated." Mr. Autischer explains, approving the work of CNT. "CNT together with the Swiss consulting company IMG have designed and implemented a professional solution. We appreciate their consulting work in every respect. With the new customised solution for business processes across the group we are very well off regarding our systems."
The Rollout Concept
Since 2004 about 50 ASAP project members at the leading Andritz facilities have been working together with CNT Management Consulting and IMG in developing and implementing the ERP system. The Finnish facilities of the Andritz group are the first ones to profit from the implementation. Meanwhile more than 4.000 finance and service projects are processed in the still very young ASAP system.
In order to save time and to organise the rollout in a most efficient way, key users on site as well as the interactive online training platform "SAP Tutor" are available. This eLearning training course supplements the introduction to using the SAP system. The advantage is clear: the user has the possibility to enter via the ASAP Intranet Portal at any time. A virtual wizard explains all necessary steps in the SAP system on screen and provides an overview.
1. Cornerstone in Finland
As a first step up to June 2005, the Finnish facilities in Helsinki, Kotka, Savonlinna and Varkaus were implemented. A defined team of CNT consultants plus an external colleague and the Andritz team worked together in realising the first rollout. During the implementation phase and the first months of the SAP application, a large amount of data were created and administrated in SAP.
In October, the production divisions of Savonlinna were integrated as well.
From the first day on, the SAP system was fast and stable. In the new Andritz system, approximately 14.000 material masters were created. All the schedules of the major projects that Andritz succeded in winning during the last year have been integrated in the SAP project system and are now available for the logistic control of processing of orders.
Now the Finnish team is confronted with the challenge to use this effective tool in daily business. Kaj Lindh, Managing Director of Savonlinna Works Oy: "...we want to utilize the power of SAP in the Finance and Controlling area to establish more accurate reports than in the past. Last but not least we are looking forward to an improvement of the system support in the area of product standardization, one key factor for cost saving."
"In the six years to follow, the system will be implemented step by step within the entire group without interrupting daily business. At the same time, we constantly work at the development of a global template in order to make efficient use of the feedback regarding the rollouts and to come up to the always increasing demands of our operative units. ", Heinz Autischer, Chief Business Process Officer of the Andritz group explains. Now that the implementation in Finland has been a success, teams are working in two German rollouts, one in Cologne, the second in Bretten. In 2006, China and the USA will be integrated and in 2007, Denmark and facilities in other countries will follow. The rollout in Austria is scheduled for 2008.
CNT Management Consulting GmbH
CNT Management Consulting was founded in Vienna in 1999 and is owned by the five original members by 100%. In a very short time, CNT managed to rise to one of the leading consultant companies in the SAP business, meanwhile CNT is one of the Top 10 in the business. The use of reliable information and communication technologies has become a must. CNT offers integrated SAP solutions that include conceptual design, layout and implementation, the link-up of mobile business solutions and non SAP systems are some of them. With a constant focus on processes CNT finds the ideal solution for their customers.
Andritz AG
Based in Graz, Austria, the Andritz Group is a technology company with global operations. With 30 production facilities across the world and more than 100 affiliates, the group is one of the global market leaders in high-tech production systems and industrial process solutions for various standard and highly specialized products in the following industries: Pulp and Paper; Rolling Mills and Strip Processing Lines; Environment and Process Feed Technology Hydraulic Machines. In 2004 about 5,900 employees created a turnover of about EUR 1.481 mio.
For further information please contact:
CNT Management Consulting GmbH
DI Andreas Dörner
Managing Director
Lassallestraße 7b, A-1021 Vienna
Tel.: +43/1/216 42 68-0
Andritz AG
Dr. Heinz Autischer
Chief Business Process Officer
Stattegger Straße 18, A-8045 Graz
Tel: +43/316-6902-0