Mag. My Hue McGowran
Phone: +43-1-81140-308
Mon, 09.05.2005
pte20050509022 Companies/Finance, Media/Communications
Pressbox Pressbox
Microsoft announces re-backing of Gay Rights
Criticised for dropping their gay rights support, Microsoft changes policy

Seattle (pte022/09.05.2005/11:56) - Microsoft Corporation chief executive Steve Ballmer told employees last week that the company would publicly support the Gay Rights Legislation. This announcement follows Microsoft's reneging of commitment after an evangelical pastor threatened to instigate a nationwide boycott of the company.

"After looking at the question from all sides, I've concluded that diversity in the workplace is such an important issue for our business that it should be included in our legislative agenda," Ballmer wrote in an email.

Ballmer refused to comment on what brought about Microsoft's change in policy this year on a bill it had been actively supporting.

Microsoft was one of the first companies to include domestic partner benefits to same-sex couples. The company claims that its decision came before a meeting with a pastor of a local church, who organises anti-gay-marriage rallies in Seattle and Washington, D.C.

"I'm proud of Microsoft's commitment to non-discrimination in our internal policies and benefits," said Ballmer. "But our policies can't cover the range of housing, education, financial and similar services that our people and their partners and families need... Therefore, it's appropriate for the company to support legislation that will promote and protect diversity in the workplace."

Submitter: newsfox
Contact: Mag. My Hue McGowran
Phone: +43-1-81140-308