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Fri, 25.04.2003
pte20030425046 Environment/Energy, Politics/Law
Pressbox Pressbox
UNEP assesses environment in Iraq
Risk of epidemics due to damaged sewage system

Nairobi (pte046/25.04.2003/15:39) - The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has warned that damage to sewage and electricity systems during the war, coupled with increased pollution, have contributed to the deterioration of the environment in Iraq.

The UNEP says the poor conditions are also likely to affect the health of the country's population. After conducting an initial study, the UNEP recommends both immediate and long term measures to avoid the risk of epidemics. These include the quick restoration of the water and sewage systems and the removal of accumulated garbage and medical waste. The 98-page report can be downloaded at .

The UNEP also strongly urges that tests be conducted in regions where ammunition containing depleted uranium (DU) was used.

UNEP examination group chairman Pekka Haavisto said many environmental problems in Iraq were so alarming that an immediate assessment and recovery strategy are urgently needed. Haavisto believes long term recovery from the war is only possible if the environmental problem is integrated in restoration plans.

The initial assessment was based on a so-called working study, which provides an overview of the environmental situation in Iraq that is not based on local findings. The report concludes that the already dire environmental situation due to previous wars and mismanagement under Saddam Hussein's regime has worsened after the most recent war.

Much of the damage resulted from interruptions in the electricity supply, which stalled water and sewage pumps. The interruption of saltwater removal pumps in southern Iraq has resulted in large surfaces of land covered with salty water, and smoke from burning oil fields has contaminated the air and ground. (newsfox-special Iraq)

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