Mike Leidig
Phone: + 43 - 1 - 811 40 - 319
Pressbox |
Vienna (pte009/20.03.2003/10:17) - The Austrian oil and gas group OMV has said that it has sent several Iranian employees that had been working close to the Iraqi border back to Teheran as a safety precaution in the face of an impending invasion of Iraq by US forces.
OMV managers said that the company had no plans as yet to withdraw another 400 staff working in Iran and in Pakistan. OMV's decision to send home some of its workers followed a decision by the British-Dutch-owned Royal Dutch Shell company to evacuate about 260 staff from oil fields close to the Iraqi border. Shell managers said that their staff would return to the region as soon as their safety was guaranteed.
In a separate development, Austrian travel agents have said that travel bookings are steady, defying expectations of a widespread collapse in tourist activity as soon as the war started. (newsfox-special Iraq)