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Tue, 06.05.2003
pte20030506049 Computer/Telecommunications, Companies/Finance
Pressbox Pressbox
Services to energize mobile phone market
Nokia expects new applications to spur growth

Vienna (pte049/06.05.2003/16:38) - Finnish mobile phone producer Nokia predicts that entertainment applications and mobile services will lead to a growth spurt on the mobile phone market in the coming years - in particular due to mobile imaging services.

"In three years, each user will be spending over eight dollars per month on MMS services," Nokia imaging director David Watkins said today in Vienna. He believes MMS will prove a useful application, because it enables people to share moments or experiences by exchanging photos at the click of a button.

Nokia expects over 2.6 million mobile phones to be sold in Austria this year - an increase of 100,000 compared to the year before. The world market for mobile phones is predicted to grow by 10 per cent, with sales of high-end phones growing most. Nokia further expects the use of mobile phones for mobile data services to increase to 33 per cent by 2007 (currently ten per cent). At the same time, infotainment is expected increase to 13 per cent, "person-to-person messaging" to twelve per cent, "business data services" to five per cent, while phoning occupies 67 per cent of the market.

The Finnish market leader hopes to sell between 50 and 100 million MMS phones in the next few years.

Additional services are expected to boost the market volume to 690bn euros by 2007.

Submitter: pressetext.europe
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