pressetext / newsfox
pressetext / newsfox
Michael Leidig
Phone: +43 (0)1 917 51 18
  • Austria
  • Girls
  • Night
  • Prostitution
Fri, 29.03.2013
pte20130329010 Commerce/Services, Culture/Lifestyle
Pressbox Pressbox
Increase in cases of forced prostitution
Increase in cases of forced sexual labour in illegal establishments

Vienna (pte010/29.03.2013/09:47) - Investigators from Austria's national criminal intelligence office say they have recorded an increase in cases of forced sexual labour in illegal establishments.

Colonel Gerald Tatzgern said: "Cases of forced prostitution are not uncommon."

According to Tatzgern, there are three variants of sexual exploitation. Firstly, there is legal prostitution in legal establishments. However, he said: "This doesn't mean that all the women go into the business voluntarily."

The second variation of sexual exploitation takes place in apartments and message salons where three to five women, often victims of human traffickers, offer sexual services. Colonel Tatzgern said: "This is clearly illegal prostitution."

Women in these illegal establishments make up to 10,000 Euros per month but are allegedly only ever allowed to keep between 200 and 300 Euros. Tatzgern said: "The level of exploitation is relatively high."

Often, sexual services are offered during the day so that clients don't have to make excuses at home for having been away at night. Women sometimes see up to 60 clients a day, which barely leaves any time for personal care.

Some 29 percent of victims of sexual abuse come from Romania followed by Bulgaria, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Nigeria.

The third type of sexual exploitation - which is most common is Austria - happens in the private sphere and is often dubbed the "loverboy system".

Tatzgern from the criminal intelligence office said: "The man starts a proper relationship with a woman and then forces her into prostitution - often under the pretext that it is to finance a joint future or to provide for kids or elderly parents.

"The women are very obedient to their partners and it's hard to estimate how often it happens. They often only see themselves as victims once everything has become too much to endure."

It is difficult for investigator to intervene in the private area as the victims are put under pressure to keep quiet - through violence or threats against the family.

In general, the mainly male criminals are aged 18 to 60 and are said to have good connections to the women's country of origin.

Colonel Tazgern said that officers were trying to keep the level of pressure on controls high and that pan-European action will give a better overview of the situation.

According to Tatzgern, the men using the women's services can not be expected to show a sense of responsibility.

He said: "These men don't care - the most important thing is that they get their sexual favours."

Submitter: pressetext / newsfox
Contact: Michael Leidig
Phone: +43 (0)1 917 51 18
pressetext / newsfox