pressetext / newsfox
pressetext / newsfox
Michael Leidig
Phone: +43 (0)1 917 51 18
  • Money
  • Bunny
  • Chocolate
  • Easter
Wed, 27.03.2013
pte20130327011 Companies/Finance, Culture/Lifestyle
Pressbox Pressbox
Buying easter treats will cost you 57 Euros, research shows
Viennese will each spend two Euros more on Easter treats than in 2012

Vienna (pte011/27.03.2013/10:55) - A new survey commissioned by the Viennese chamber of commerce shows that its citizens estimate they will each spend 57 Euros on Easter treats - two Euros more than in 2012.

The chamber of commerce has also predicted that Viennese traders can look forward to consumers spending 53.3 million Euros on Easter presents - a four percent increase on last year.

The research by the Makam-Insitute shows that the traditional chocolates, eggs and toys are still a favourite in the Easter nests.

Children are the most spoilt and receive 77 percent of Easter presents. A further 37 percent of presents are given to a partner while a fourth of all presents go to parents. Friends and acquaintances receive 22 percent of our Easter presents.

If women spend an average of 55 Euros on Easter presents, men are somewhat more generous and spend 59 Euros.

Some 67 percent of people living in Vienna will celebrate around Easter time in private circles, 55 percent visit relatives while 44 percent will go on a day trip with the family.

Half the Viennese interviewed for the survey said they will be organising the traditional Easter-egg hunt. Another 32 percent said they would visit an Easter market or go to an Easter Sunday church service. The remaining 26 percent said they would spend Easter in a restaurant.

Almost a quarter of Viennese will go on holiday around Easter - 53 percent will stay in Austria and 21 percent will make the most of the holidays to go off on a city break. Ten percent of people who answered the survey said they were flying south to a beach holiday and another ten percent on the contrary was heading on a skiing holiday.

Submitter: pressetext / newsfox
Contact: Michael Leidig
Phone: +43 (0)1 917 51 18
pressetext / newsfox