Yesterday, the exhibition ARTE BRATISLAVA by MIKIZZANER celebrated a magnificent opening at the splendid Primacialny Palac in Bratislava. Over 100 art enthusiasts and collectors gathered to admire an impressive collection of 47 masterpieces. Curators Dr. Moza Luboslav and Ing. Michaela Lukmann presented works by 22 artists, aged between 13 and 70 years, showcasing a dazzling spectrum of contemporary Austrian art aptly described as the "Rainbow of ARTS." [more]
Thu, 2024-11-28 - 12:05

Top position in the ADC university ranking for the FH Salzburg
At this year's ADC*E Festival 2024 in Barcelona, students and recent graduates of the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences (FH Salzburg) were able to attract impressive attention. The talents from the Creative Technologies department achieved three silver and two bronze placings in the newly introduced ADCE Student Awards, which recognise Europe's best young creatives.
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